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GCN Circular 2862

GRB041217: optical limit 30 min after GRB
2004-12-19T00:38:54Z (20 years ago)
Grzegorz Wrochna at Soltan Inst.for Nuclear Studies <>
M.Cwiok, K.Krupska, K.Kwiecinska, L.Mankiewicz, K.Nawrocki,
B.Pilecki, L.W.Piotrowski, G.Pojmanski, M.Sokolowski, D.Szczygiel,
G.Wrochna, on behalf of "Pi of the Sky / ASAS" collaboration

The GRB 041217 (GCN 2853) error box was observed by "Pi of the Sky"
apparatus at Las Campanas Observatory at 7:58 UT, i.e. 30 minutes
after the GRB. 3 exposures, 10s each, have been taken by 2 cameras.
No new object has been found within the SWIFT error box.
The limiting magnitude on 3 coadded frames is 11.5m,
however, the object could be hidden in the glow of alpha Crt.
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