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GCN Circular 28630

GRB 201014A: BOOTES-1 and -2 early optical upper limits
2020-10-15T17:13:22Z (4 years ago)
Youdong HU at IAA-CSIC <>
Y.-D. Hu, E. Fernandez-Garcia, A. J. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC),  C. Perez del Pulgar,  A. Castellon, I. Carrasco, A. Reina (Univ. de Malaga), R. Fernandez-Munoz (IHSM/UMA-CSIC) and F. Rendon (IAA-CSIC and INTA-CEDEA) on behalf of a larger collaboration, report:

Following the Swift trigger of GRB 201014A (Ambrosi et al., GCNC 28623), the 60cm BOOTES-2/TELMA robotic telescope at IHSM La Mayora (UMA-CSIC) in Algarrobo Costa (Malaga, Spain) automatically responded to this event. A series of images were taken starting 22:50:46UT (132 s after trigger) with clear filter. In the co-added 60s exposure image, no soure is detected which down to 20.6 mag at the XRT afterglow position (D��Elia et al., GCNC 28626).

The 0.3m BOOTES-1B robotic telescope in Mazagon (Huelva), southern Spain, automatically responded to this event at 22:50:20UT (102 s after trigger). In the co-added of 60 s exposure images, no new source is detected which down to 20.3 mag (clear filter).

These early optical non-detections are consistent with the afterglow magnitude reported by Pozanenko et al. (GCNC 28628).

We thank the staff at INTA-CEDEA and La Mayora for their excellent support.
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