GCN Circular 28637
GRB 201015A: NOT optical afterglow confirmation
2020-10-16T01:21:02Z (4 years ago)
Daniele B Malesani at DTU Space <malesani@space.dtu.dk>
D. B. Malesani (DTU Space), A. de Ugarte Postigo (HETH, IAA/CSIC), T.
Pursimo (NOT), report on behalf of a larger collaboration:
We observed the field of GRB 201015A (D'Elia et al., GCN 28632) using
the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) equipped with the ALFOSC camera. Our
first image was taken at 23:25:12 UT (35 min after the trigger). At the
location of the afterglow candidate reported by Lipunov et al. (GCN
28633), also consistent with the XRT position (Kennea et al., GCN
28635), we detect a source not visible in the Pan-STARRS images of the
same area. We report for this target the following, refined coordinates:
RA(J2000) = 23:37:16.41
Dec(J2000) = +53:24:56.5
with an uncertainty of 0.3" (calibrated against the Gaia catalog).
Our image was taken with a non-standard, broad filter (~3700-9000 AA),
and the target is affected by a saturation defect from a star. We cannot
provide a reliable magnitude at the present time, but a rough estimate
yields ~19.