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GCN Circular 28763

GRB 201024A: BOOTES-2/TELMA early optical observation and 1.5m OSN follow-up
2020-10-24T04:10:24Z (4 years ago)
Youdong HU at IAA-CSIC <>
E. Fernandez-Garcia, Y.-D. Hu, A. J. Castro-Tirado, A. Sota (IAA-CSIC), C. Perez del Pulgar, A. Castellon, I. Carrasco (Univ. de Malaga), R. Fernandez-Munoz (IHSM/UMA-CSIC), M.D. Caballero-Garcia and M. Jelinek (ASU-CAS), on behalf of a larger collaboration, report:

The 0.6m BOOTES-2/TELMA robotic telescope at IHSM La Mayora (UMA-CSIC) in Algarrobo Costa (Malaga, Spain) automatically responded to the Swift trigger of GRB 201024A (Marshall et al. GCNC 28761). A series of images were taken starting on Oct 24 at Oct 02:50:07 UT (~68 s after trigger). A bright optical source is detected on the first image (10s, clear filter) with r= 14.1 mag, at a position consistent with the optical afterglow reported by UVOT/Swift (Marshall et al. GCNC 28761) and MASTER (Lipunov et al. GCNC 28760).

Furthermore, from a deeper image gathered at the 1.5m OSN telescope in Observatorio de Sierra Nevada at 03:16 UT we measure R = 18.9, thus confirming the rapid fading of the optical afterglow brightness as pointed out on GCNC 28762.

Additional observations are ongoing.  We thank the staff at La Mayora and OSN for their excellent support.
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