GCN Circular 28790
GRB 201026A: FRAM-ORM optical detection limit
2020-10-27T08:33:15Z (4 years ago)
Martin Jelinek at Astro.Inst-AVCR,Ondrejov <martin.jelinek@asu.cas.cz>
Martin Jelinek and Jan Strobl (ASU CAS Ondrejov, CZ),
Sergey Karpov, Martin Masek, Petr Janecek, Jakub Jurysek,
Jan Ebr, Ronan Cunniffe, Petr Travnicek and Michael Prouza
(Institute of Physics, Prague, CZ)
The 25cm robotic telescope FRAM-ORM at La Palma (Spain)
reacted robotically to the alert of GRB201026A (Cenko et al
GCNC 28784), obtaining a series of 20 s unfiltered images
starting at 22:50:58.9 UT, i.e. 13.4 min post trigger.
We do not detect any new source within or near the XRT
errorbox neither in single images (3-sigma limit R>~17.1,
(Vega), calibrated by the Atlas catalog) nor in a combined
15x20s frame (mean exp time 21.15 min post trigger, 3-sigma
limit R>~18.5) similarly to Lipunov et al. (GCNC 28783), Izzo
et al. (GCNC 28785) and Zhu et al. (GCNC 28786)