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GCN Circular 28849

Correcton to GCN 28848: Swift observes ZTF20acozryr
2020-11-06T07:58:44Z (4 years ago)
Phil Evans at U of Leicester <>
P.A. Evans reports on behalf of the Swift-XRT team:

GCN CIrcular 28848 incorrectly referred to GRB 201104C. This was due to a software error, not recognising 'ZTF20acozryr��� as a GRB name.

Swift is actually carrying out observations of the source ZTF20acozryr (Coughlin et al., GCN Circ. 28841) which has been possibly associated with GRB 201103B (Svinkin et al., GCN Circl. 28844), and has a redshift of 1.105 (Xu et al., GCN Circl. 28847).

The results of the automated search for an X-ray counterpart consistent with the ZTF position, and analysis of any source(s) found, will appear at the URL previous circulated, i.e.

Although the nature of this object has not been confirmed, the zeropoint for any source light curves will be set to the IPN trigger time, in the first instance.

We apologise for the confusion.
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