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GCN Circular 28993

GRB 201203A: GROWTH-India Telescope optical upper limit.
2020-12-04T15:32:31Z (4 years ago)
Harsh Kumar at Indian Inst of Tech,Bombay <>
H. Kumar (IITB), P. Dorje (IAO), J. Stanzin (IAO), S. Joharle (Fergusson
College), K. Sharma (IITB), V. Bhalerao (IITB), G. C. Anupama (IIA), S.
Barway (IIA), report on behalf of the GROWTH-India collaboration:

We observed GRB 201203A reported by S. Dichiara et. al., (GCN 28985) with
0.7m GROWTH-India Telescope, starting at 2020-12-03T15:21:51.55 UT. We
obtained 25 images of 300 sec each in the r' filter. We did not detect any
new source within an uncertainty region of 3.3 arcseconds (radius, 90%
containment) around Swift-XRT position i.e., RA(J2000) = 02h 32m 13.25s,
Dec(J2000) = -26d 31' 05.5" (V. D'Elia et. al., GCN 28990).

We obtained the following upper limits:


 JD_Mid | T_mid-T0 (hrs) | Exposure(sec) | Filter | lim_Mag |


2459187.19431 | ~8.49 | 300*25 | r' | > 21.7 |


Magnitudes are in the AB system and are calibrated against PanSTARRs PS1
data release, (Flewelling et al., 2018).

The GROWTH India Telescope (GIT) is a 70-cm telescope with a 0.7 degree
field of view, set up by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics and the
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay with support from the Indo-US Science
and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) and the Science and Engineering Research
Board (SERB) of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government
of India ( It is located at the
Indian Astronomical Observatory (Hanle), operated by the Indian Institute
of Astrophysics (IIA).
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