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GCN Circular 2939

SGR 1806-20: Low frequency GMRT results; submission to GCN circulars
2005-01-06T15:16:20Z (20 years ago)
Poonam Chandra at Tata Inst. Fund.Res. <>
SGR 1806-20: Low frequency GMRT results

P. Chandra (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai),
reports the detection of radio emission from the  soft gamma-ray repeater
SGR 1806-20 with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in the
610/235 MHz bands for 1.16 hours on 2005 Jan. 04 (mean epoch approximately
0949 UT). The preliminary flux densites for 2005-Jan-04.409 were:

 608 MHz:  198.9 (11.9) mJy
 240 MHz:  242.6 (14.9) mJy

The last digits in the brackets indicate 1 sigma error bars. She notes
that the power law index beween the two frequencies is: -0.21 (0.09). This
index is substantially flatter than the corresponding power law index
reported in the higher frequency VLA observation on 2005 Jan 4.59 UT by
Cameron and Kulkarni (GCN 2934) (alpha = -0.74 at 1.4 GHz) or -0.61 (0.06)
reported by Gaensler et al at the same time (GCN 2933). Further
observations with the GMRT at other low frequencies are also planned.

[GCN OPS NOTE (06Jan05):  This Circular was delayed by 3 hours
until the submitor could be added to the list.]
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