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GCN Circular 29507

GRB 210212A: Gemini South optical observations
2021-02-13T21:55:21Z (4 years ago)
Simone Dichiara at UMCP/NASA/GSFC <>
S.Dichiara (UMD, NASA-GSFC) and E. Troja (UMD, NASA-GSFC) report:

We observed the field of GRB 210212A (Troja et al., GCN Circ. 29487) with
the Gemini South telescope beginning 2021-02-13 02:16:45  UT, approximately
0.91 days post-burst. We obtained 9x120 s exposures in r-band performed
with good weather conditions and at an airmass of 1.5

Within the enhanced Swift-XRT error circle (Beardmore et al., GCN Circ.
29489) we detect a single extended source with r = 23.17 +/- 0.05 AB mag,
previously reported as the putative host galaxy (Heintz et al., GCN Circ.

A weak optical source with r = 25.3 +/- 0.2 AB mag lies at the edge of the
XRT error circle, 6 arcsec away from the putative host. We cannot determine
whether it is related to the GRB at present time.

Magnitudes are calibrated against the Pan-STARRS DR1 catalog and not
corrected for Galactic extinction.

We thank the Gemini South staff for rapidly executing these observations.
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