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GCN Circular 295

GRB 990506, optical observations from +1 to +3 hours
1999-05-07T07:54:16Z (25 years ago)
Jin Zhu at Beijing Obs <>
J. Zhu, H. T. Zhang, on behalf of the BAO GRB follow-up team, report:

"Observations of the GRB 990506 field were made with the BAO 0.6/0.9m
Schmidt telescope in Xinglong from 1 hour and 10 minutes after the GRB,
using R-band filter and 2k x 2k CCD. The 16 observation fields (each of
58' x 58') covered 3.6 degrees x 3.6 degrees field centered at the
BACODINE/HUNTSVILLE/LOCBURST position, so it contains the IPN/RXTE box
announced later in (GCN 291) by Hurley and Barthelmy. Observations
for that area were made by two 300s exposures at 12:41:47 UT and 14:41:38 UT
respectively (about 1 and 3 hours after the GRB), and comparison with DSS-I
image shows no additional source (appeared in both of the two images we
made) in a detection limit of about R=19.0. No source could be seen at the
position of F.J. Vrba et. al (GCN 294). Data reduction was delayed by
electral power failure in observation site, and wider part around that area
will be checked later.

This report may be cited."
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