GCN Circular 29884
GRB 210420B: Correction to AST3-3 YaoAn magnitude
2021-04-22T18:48:15Z (3 years ago)
Tianrui Sun at Purple Mountain Obs,CAS <trsun@pmo.ac.cn>
There was a program error to the AST3-3 YaoAn observation:
The two magnitudes reported by Tianrui Sun et al.(GCNC 29848) for GRB 210420B contain an error.
Thus, the correct description should be:
The detected candidate source in g-band was 18.6 mag +/- 0.06 at 2021-04-20T20:07:30.596 and 19.13 mag +/- 0.1 mag at 2021-04-20T21:42:43.897.