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GCN Circular 2988

GRB050126: MASTER optical limit for KECK OT
2005-01-26T21:32:19Z (20 years ago)
Vladimir Lipunov at Moscow State U/Krylov Obs <>
V. Lipunov, A.Krylov, V.Kornilov, G.Borisov, D.Kuvshinov,
A.Belinski,  M.Kuznetsov,  S.Potanin, G.Antipov,
E.Gorbovskoy, N.Tyurina

Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow

    2.8 hours after  SWIFT GRB050126 detection  (GCN 2984)  MASTER robotic
telescope ( had  imaging  the
corresponding area of the sky  under the bad weather conditions on the
evening sky (see GCN Circ 2986).
    We have about 50  unfiltered images of the error box (30s exposition,
6 square degrees field, 355 mm diameter ) started at 26 Jan 2005
14:49:18 UT (2.8 hours after  GRB time).
    There is no  OT at the KECK OT (GCN Circ 2985)position on 3 sigma
level. There is no  OT inside  BAT 8' error box (GCN Circ 2987) on
3 sigma level.
    In the Table 1 you can see some reduction  of images.

                               Table 1
 Time (UT)                 OT Limit (close to R)
                         for KECK position Circ 2985       Note
 14:54:47                      >15.0
 14:55:37                      >15.0
 14:56:26                      >15.3
 15:28:56                      >15.6
15 16 06 - 15 28 00            >16.5                Sum of the  8 images
15 14 07 - 15 53 45            ~17.0                Sum of the 42 images

JPG-images  are available at .
The sum 15 16 06 - 15 28 65 (UT) are available at  .

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This work is supported by Moscow Union "OPTICA" and RFFI 04-02-16411.

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