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GCN Circular 3009

GRB 050202: Second epoch radio observations
2005-02-03T22:39:40Z (20 years ago)
Dale A. Frail at NRAO <>
D. A. Frail (NRAO) and A. M. Soderberg (Caltech) report on behalf of
the Caltech-NRAO-Carnegie GRB Collaboration:

"A second observation was made with the VLA of the short burst
GRB050202 detected by Swift (GCN#3005) on February 3.82 UT. Comparison
with the first epoch on February 2.67 UT (GCN#3007) shows no new radio
sources in the BAT error circle.  The rms noise the images is 267
microJy, 52 microJy, and 100 microJy at 1.43, 4.86 and 8.46 GHz

No further observations are planned."
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