GCN Circular 30343
GRB 210619B: Sayan observatory 1.6-m telescope observations
2021-06-29T20:14:37Z (4 years ago)
Rodion Burenin at IKI, Moscow <rodion@hea.iki.rssi.ru>
I. Zaznobin, R. Burenin, A. Lutovinov (IKI),
E. Klunko, M. Eselevich (ISTP SB RAS)
The field of GRB 210619B detected by Swift (D'Avanzo et al. GCN
30261), GECAM (Zhao et al. GCN 30264), CALET (Kawakubo et al. GCNC
30284), SRG/ART-XC (Levin et al. GCNC 30283), Fermi-LAT (Axelsson et
al. GCNC 30270), Konus-Wind (Svinkin et al. GCN 30276) and Fermi/GBM
(Poolakkil et al. GCNC 30279) was observed with the Sayan observatory
1.6-m telescope AZT-33IK, using a CCD photometer, starting at
2021/06/20 17:58 UT, i.e. approximately 18 hours after the burst.
We obtained 12x60 s images in each g,r,i,z SDSS filter. The OT is
clearly detected in every frame, with the following magnitudes:
g = 20.26 +- 0.06
r = 19.51 +- 0.08
i = 19.08 +- 0.06
z = 18.69 +- 0.07