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GCN Circular 30406

Swift-BAT detection of a burst from SGR 1935+2154
2021-07-07T14:54:59Z (4 years ago)
David Palmer at LANL <>
D. M. Palmer (LANL) on behalf of the Swift team reports:

A short burst has been detected by the BAT instrument at 23:59:32.6 on 2021-07-04 UT from SGR 1935+2154.  The burst had a duration of about 150 ms with a peak count rate of 2,000 counts/second (15-350 keV on the 64 ms timescale).

The burst reported from the same source by INTEGRAL at 17:14:50.7 of 2021-07-06 UT (GCN #30395 Mereghetti et al.) is also detected as a count rate increase in BAT of 65,000 counts/s on the 64 ms timescale.  However, Swift was slewing at that time and so BAT could not localize the source.
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