GCN Circular 30431
GRB 210706A: Swift/XRT afterglow confirmation
2021-07-09T13:23:26Z (4 years ago)
Aaron Tohuvavohu at U Toronto <aaron.tohu@gmail.com>
A. Tohuvavohu (U. Toronto) and K.L. Page (U. Leicester) report on
behalf of the Swift-XRT team:
Swift-XRT has performed further follow-up observations of the
Fermi/GBM (E. Bissaldi et al. GCN 30405) and Swift/BAT-GUANO detected
burst GRB 210706A (Tohuvavohu et al., GCN Circ. 30393), collecting 9.5
of Photon Counting (PC) mode data between T0+43 ks and T0+180 ks.
The uncatalogued X-ray source (src #2) detected in the first 2.8 ks of
data as the GRB afterglow candidate (Tohuvavohu et al. GCN 30399),
which was above existing upper limits at this location from previous
XRT observations, has faded significantly in the latest observation,
and is thus confirmed as the X-ray afterglow of the burst.
The results of the full analysis of the XRT observations are available
at https://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_curves/00021455/.
This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.