GCN Circular 30598
IPN Triangulation of a bright burst from SGR 1935+2154
2021-08-07T02:29:56Z (4 years ago)
Dmitry Svinkin at Ioffe Institute <svinkin@mail.ioffe.ru>
D. Svinkin, S. Golenetskii, D. Frederiks, A. Ridnaia,
A. Lysenko, and T. Cline on behalf of the Konus-Wind team,
K. Hurley, on behalf of the IPN,
S. Barthelmy, J. Cummings, H. Krimm, D. Palmer, and A. Tohuvavohu
on behalf of the Swift-BAT team, and
A. von Kienlin, X. Zhang, A. Rau, V. Savchenko, E. Bozzo,
and C. Ferrigno, on behalf of the INTEGRAL SPI-ACS GRB team,
A bright, short-duration, soft burst has been observed by
Konus-Wind, INTEGRAL (SPI-ACS), and Swift (BAT), so far,
at about 536 s UT (00:08:56) on August 5.
The burst was outside the coded field of view of the BAT.
We have triangulated it to a Konus-BAT annulus centered at
RA(2000)=313.877 deg (20h 55m 31s) Dec(2000)=-20.391 deg (-20d 23' 28"),
whose radius is 46.762 +/- 0.249 deg (3 sigma) and
to a Konus-SPI-ACS annulus centered at
RA(2000)=310.504 deg (20h 42m 01s) Dec(2000)=-16.410 deg (-16d 24' 34"),
whose radius is 41.919 +/- 0.512 deg (3 sigma).
This localization may be improved.
The position of SGR 1935+2154 is inside the annuli
at 7.2 arcmin from the center line of the Konus-BAT annulus.
Given the positional coincidence of this burst with SGR 1935+2154, its
time history, and softness of its spectrum (as observed by Konus-Wind),
we conclude this burst is likely originated from SGR 1935+2154.
A triangulation map is posted at
The time history and spectrum will be given in forthcoming GCN Circulars.