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GCN Circular 30713

GRB 210822A: VLA detection
2021-08-25T14:47:06Z (4 years ago)
Tanmoy Laskar at U of Bath <>
T. Laskar (University of Bath), K. D. Alexander (Northwestern), E. Berger
(Harvard), R. Chornock (UC Berkeley), W. Fong (Northwestern), R. Margutti
(UC Berkeley), C. G. Mundell (University of Bath), P. Schady (University of
Bath), and G. Schroeder (Northwestern) report on behalf of a larger

"We observed GRB 210822A (Page et al. GCN 30677) with the Karl G. Jansky
Very Large Array (VLA) beginning on 2021 August 24 at 05:30 UT (1.9 d after
the burst). At a mean frequency of 14.8 GHz, we detect a radio source with
a preliminary flux density of ~ 0.4 mJy at the position:

RA (J2000) = 20:17:44.992 +/- 0.001
Dec (J2000) = 05:16:59.53 +/- 0.02

consistent with the position of the optical afterglow (Page et al., GCN
30677) and the Swift/XRT afterglow (Evans al., GCN 30682). Follow-up
observations are planned.

We thank the VLA staff for rapidly executing these observations."
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