GCN Circular 3098
Non-detection of GRB050315 in ATCA Radio Observations
2005-03-16T03:02:01Z (20 years ago)
Brian Schmidt at RSAA, ANU (MSSSO) <brian@mso.anu.edu.au>
Mark H Wieringa (Australia Telescope National Facility), Brian P Schmidt
(Australian National University)
and Alicia Soderberg (CalTech) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:
"We observed a region covering the Swift burst GRB 050315 (GCN#3094)
using the Australia Telescope Compact Array for 1 hour centered on
March 16.02 UT. At frequencies of 4.8 and 8.6 GHz no emission was
detected within the 6 arcsec diameter error circle of the XRT position
(GCN#3097). The 3-sigma detection limits are 0.6 and 0.8 mJy at 4.8 and
8.6 GHz respectively. No detections above these limits are present
in a larger area (1 arcmin diameter) around the XRT position."
We thank the ATNF Director for making this rapid response possible.