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GCN Circular 3139

GRB050319: RTT150 Optical Observations
2005-03-23T08:22:43Z (20 years ago)
Umit Kiziloglu at Middle East Tech.U,Phys.Dept <>
U. Kiziloglu, S. Balman, A. Baykal (METU), Z. Aslan, I. Khamitov, 
K. Uluc (TUG), S. Evren (EgeU), A. Alpar (Sabanci U.), R. Burenin, 
M. Pavlinsky (IKI), R. Sunyaev (IKI, MPA), I, Bikmaev (KSU) report :

We observed the field centered on the Swift GRB 041006 (Rykoff et al. 
GCN 3116, Krimm et al., GCN 3117, GCN 3119) with the TUG (TUBITAK 
National Observatory, Turkey) 1.5-m Russian-Turkish Telescope (RTT150).

We obtained 8x300s 6x120s 3x60s  R band images on 2005.03.19 starting 
at 17:26:36 UT using the imaging ANDOR CCD. The seeing was 1.8"-2.1".

We further obtained  6x300 s R band images on 2005.03.20 and 2005.03.21
with RTT150. The seeing was poor with Moon.

We calculated the R magnitudes below using the USNO B1.0 Catalog.

 Observation (UT)        R_mag       
--------------------     ----------------------
 2005 March 19, 18:12    20.14 +/- 0.09  
 2005 March 21, 00:16    21.3  +/- 0.6   1 Sigma frame upper limit
 2005 March 21, 17:58    21.1  +/- 0.3  

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