GCN Circular 31442
GRB 220101A: continued 1.3m DFOT optical observations of a high-redshift afterglow
2022-01-12T11:11:42Z (3 years ago)
Amit Kumar at ARIES, India <amitkundu515@gmail.com>
Amit Kumar, Rahul Gupta, Amit Ror, Ankur Ghosh, Dimple, Amar Aryan, Brajesh
Kumar, S. B. Pandey, and K. Misra (ARIES) report:
We further observed the optical afterglow of the Swift detected GRB 220101A
(Tohuvavohu et al., GCN 31347) at z = 4.618 (Fu et al., GCN 31353; Fynbo et
al., GCN 31359) with the 1.3m Devsthal Fast Optical Telescope (DFOT) at
Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital
(India), from 2022-01-03 UT 12:54:68 to 2022-01-03 UT 15:04:14 (from ~55.75
to 57.91 hours after the burst). We obtained 40 frames each of 120 seconds
in Bessell R and I filters. We clearly detected the optical afterglow of
GRB 220101A in stacked frames within the Swift XRT enhanced error circle
(Tohuvavohu et al., GCN 31347) as also reported by Kuin & Tohuvavohu, GCN