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GCN Circular 3144

GRB050326: delayed XRT observation
2005-03-26T15:06:30Z (20 years ago)
David Burrows at PSU/Swift <>
D. N. Burrows, S. Hunsberger, S. Kobayashi (PSU) and A. Moretti (INAF-OAB) 
report on behalf of the Swift XRT team:

GRB 050326 was discovered by the Swift BAT instrument at 09:53:55 UT today 
(Markwardt et al. 2005, GCN 3143).  The burst was within the Swift Earth 
constraint and observations were delayed by nearly an hour.  When the XRT 
observed the field at 10:48:13 UT, there was no afterglow strong enough for 
an on-board centroid determination (which is normal when we observe this 
long after the burst).  Unfortunately, this burst occurred during the daily 
6 to 7 hour period when Swift is out of contact with the ground station, so 
we cannot perform ground analysis to search for an X-ray afterglow until 
about 19:00 UT.  We will issue an updated GCN Circular once we can process 
those data.
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