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GCN Circular 3152

Konus-Wind observation of GRB 050326
2005-03-28T10:32:11Z (20 years ago)
Dmitry Frederiks at Ioffe Institute <>
S. Golenetskii, R.Aptekar, E. Mazets, V. Pal'shin, D. Frederiks, and
T. Cline on behalf of the Konus-Wind team report:

A bright long multipeak GRB 050326 (Swift-BAT trigger 111453, GCN 3143)
triggered Konus-Wind at 35633.347 s UT (09:53:53.347).
As observed by Konus-Wind, it had a duration of ~38 s,
fluence (3.22 � 0.05)10-5 erg/cm2, peak flux (6.0 � 0.3)10-6 erg/cm2 s
(both in the 20 keV - 3 MeV energy range).
Time-integrated spectrum of the burst is fitted with the GRB
(Band) model. The low-energy photon index is alpha = -0.74 � 0.09,
the high energy photon index beta = -2.49 � 0.16,
and the break energy E0 = 160 � 22 keV.
The peak energy is Ep = 201 � 24 keV.
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