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GCN Circular 31629

ZTF22aabjpxh/AT2022cva: GMOS-N spectroscopy
2022-02-22T02:00:06Z (3 years ago)
Anna Ho at UC Berkeley <>
C. Fremling (Caltech), D. Perley (LJMU), A.Y.Q. Ho (UCB), report on behalf
of the ZTF collaboration

We obtained spectroscopy of ZTF22aabjpxh/AT2022cva (A.Y.Q. Ho et al.
AstroNote 2022-45) with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrographs (GMOS-N)
mounted on the Gemini-North 8-meter telescope on Mauna Kea, under our ToO
program GN-2022A-Q-127 (PI: Ho). We obtained 2x450 second exposures using
the B600 grating and 2x450 second exposures using the R400 grating,
starting 2022-02-21 14:04 UTC.

Data reduction was performed with the Gemini iraf package, and we report
the detection of host-galaxy emission lines at z=0.293. We simultaneously
detect narrow emission from H-alpha, H-beta, NII, SII, OII and [OIII].

We thank the observers and the Gemini staff for their rapid response in
facilitating this Target of Opportunity observation.
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