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GCN Circular 31654

ZTF22aaajecp/AT2022cmc: JCMT SCUBA-2 sub-mm observations
2022-02-27T01:28:55Z (3 years ago)
Ian Smith at Rice U <>
I.A. Smith (U. Hawaii), D.A. Perley (LJMU), and N.R. Tanvir 
(U. of Leicester) report:

We have been observing the VLA location of the transient 
ZTF22aaajecp/AT2022cmc (Andreoni et al. GCN Circ. 31590; Perley 
et al. GCN Circ. 31592) using the SCUBA-2 sub-millimeter continuum 
camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.  The source was 
detected with a 850 micron flux density of 4.9 mJy/beam at a 
mid-point of UT 2022-02-21.510. 

We thank Jasmin Silva, Alexis-Ann Acohido, Harold Pena, and the 
JCMT staff for the prompt support of these observations that were 
taken under project M22AP030.
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