GCN Circular 31665
ZTF22aaajecp/AT2022cmc: ATCA detection
2022-03-02T22:55:50Z (3 years ago)
Dougal Dobie at VAST <ddobie94@gmail.com>
D. Dobie (Swinburne/OzGrav), A. O'Brien (UW Milwaukee),
A. Zic (Macquarie U./CSIRO), D.L. Kaplan (UW Milwaukee),
D.A. Perley (LJMU), A.Y.Q Ho (UC Berkeley)
We carried out observations of ZTF22aaajecp/AT2022cmc
(Andreoni et al. GCN 31590) with the Australia Telescope Compact
Array (ATCA) on 2022-02-26 (~15.25 days post-discovery).
The array was in the EW367 array configuration and we excluded CA06
from our processing to obtain more uniform u-v coverage. We used
3C286 for gain, bandpass and flux scale calibration to ensure
consistency with observations from Northern radio facilities.
We detect a compact radio source at the location of the transient
and measure a flux density of ~1.6 mJy at 33.5 GHz.
Further observations are planned.
Thank you to CSIRO staff for supporting these observations.