GCN Circular 32004
IceCube-220405B - ZTF19aavnpjv unrelated
2022-05-06T15:26:08Z (2 years ago)
Jannis Necker at DESY <jannis.necker@desy.de>
Jannis Necker, Simeon Reusch (DESY), Jakob Nordin (HU Berlin), Vandad Fallah Ramazani (Ruhr-University Bochum), Anna Franckowiak (Ruhr-University Bochum / DESY) and Steve Schulze (University of Stockholm) report:
We had identified ZTF19aavnpjv as a candidate counterpart during subsequent observations following the high-energy neutrino IceCube-220405B (GCN 31839). We observed ZTF19aavnpjv with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) equipped with the ALFOSC spectrograph on May 3, 2022. Based on this spectrum, we classify ZTF19aavnpjv as a cataclysmic variable star.
ZTF19aavnpjv is thus unrelated to the high-energy neutrino.
This GCN is based on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, owned in collaboration by the University of Turku and Aarhus University, and operated jointly by Aarhus University, the University of Turku and the University of Oslo, representing Denmark, Finland and Norway, the University of Iceland and Stockholm University at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, Spain, of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.
The data presented in this GCN were obtained with ALFOSC, which is provided by the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA) under a joint agreement with the University of Copenhagen and NOT.