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GCN at AAS 245, Legacy Circulars Address Retirement. See news and announcements

GCN Circular 32170

GRB 220606B: GUANO coordinate correction to GCN 32167
2022-06-06T16:01:12Z (3 years ago)
Aaron Tohuvavohu at U Toronto <>
The coordinates for GRB 220606B reported in GCN 32167 were transposed
in the declination, and therefore incorrect.

The correct coordinates of the GRB localization candidate are:

RA, Dec = 28.474, -54.741 deg which is
   RA(J2000)  = 01h 53m 53.76s
   Dec(J2000) = -54d 44��� 27.6���
with an estimated uncertainty of 5 arcmin.

The Swift XRT/UVOT ToO followup is at the correct position.
Sincere apologies for the transcription error.
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