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GCN Circular 32203

GRB 220611A: Gemini South Infrared Detection
2022-06-16T18:57:55Z (3 years ago)
Brendan O'Connor at UMD <>
B. O'Connor (UMD/GWU), E. Troja (Tor Vergata), S. Dichiara (PSU),
on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We performed target of opportunity observations of GRB 220611A
(Cenko et al. GCN 32191) with the FLAMINGOS-2 spectrograph
mounted on the Gemini-South telescope. Observations were carried
out in the Ks filter with a total exposure of 260 s beginning at
3.7 d post-trigger.

We detect a faint source within the XRT position (Goad et al. 32192)
with magnitude Ks = 20.0+/-0.3 AB mag. The object is located at:

RA, DEC = 04:26:03.56, -37:15:34.97

with an uncertainty of 0.5". This source is offset by 6" and 13",
respectively, from two bright galaxies. The latter is located
at redshift z~0.049 (Cenko et al. GCN 32191). Further observations
are planned to determine whether the source is fading or if it
is dominated by the contribution from an underlying host galaxy.

We thank the staff of the Gemini Observatory, in particular
Steve Margheim and Joan Font-Serra, for rapid scheduling of
these observations. We thank Rodrigo Carrasco for carrying
out the observations.
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