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GCN Circular 3220

GRB 050410: Early observations with Swift-UVOT
2005-04-10T17:03:38Z (20 years ago)
Padi Boyd at GSFC <>
P. Boyd (GSFC), V. Mangano (INAF-IASF/Palermo), S. T. Holland (GSFC),  S. 
Hunsberger (PSU), T. Poole (MSSL), M. Still (GSFC), N. Gehrels (GSFC), K. 
Mason (MSSL), J. Nousek (PSU) report, on behalf of the Swift UVOT team:

The Swift Ultra-Violet/Optical Telescope (UVOT) began settled 
observations of the field of GRB 050410 (Parola et al; GCN 3218) at 
12:46:17 UT on 10 April 2005. This is immediately after the target exited 
the Swift Earth-limb constraint, 1912 seconds after the BAT trigger.  

The first UVOT data arrived via TDRSS; it is a 100s V image starting 
immediately after spacecraft settling, binned 8x8 (pixel size 4.x4. 
arcsec) centered on the BAT position, and 5.33 arcminutes per side. 
Mid-exposure time was 1962 s after the trigger. A comparison against the 
Digitized Sky Survey reveals no new sources within the BAT and XRT error 
circles down to a 5-sigma background limit of V = 18.5  with a systematic 
uncertainty of 0.1 mag (due to uncertainties in the photometric zero 
point). This limit is based upon preliminary flight calibrations.
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