GCN Circular 3228
GRB 050408: PROMPT VRcIc Observations
2005-04-10T23:35:56Z (20 years ago)
Matt Bayliss at UNC,Chapel Hill <mbayliss@physics.unc.edu>
M. Bayliss, M. Nysewander, J. Haislip, J. A. Crain, A. Foster, J.
Kirschbrown, C. MacLeod, and D. Reichart report on behalf of the UNC
team of the FUN GRB Collaboration:
We have observed the position of the GRB 050408 afterglow reported by de
Ugarte Postigo et al. (GCN #3192) with three telescopes of the PROMPT
robotic array, one in each of VRcIc.
In one epoch of V-band observations, 122 x 60s exposures centered on
April 9, 02:06:44 UT (t + 9.7 hours), we have a 3 sigma detection of the
afterglow at V ~ 21.4. In a second epoch of 137 x 60s eposures centered
at 05:37:31 UT (t + 13.2 hours) we do not detect the afterglow down to a
limiting magnitude of V = 21.7 (2 sigma).
V filter calibrations were made relative to 6 Nomad stars.
PROMPT is still being built and commissioned.