GCN Circular 32517
Introducing Self-Service Configuration of GCN Notices over Email for Transient Alerts
2022-09-02T22:15:51Z (3 years ago)
Eric Burns at GSFC <erickayserburns@gmail.com>
Scott Barthelmy (GSFC), Eric Burns (LSU), Dakota Dutko (GSFC),
Meredith Gibb (GSFC), Tess Jaffe (GSFC), Israel Martinez
(GSFC/UMD), Judy Racusin (GSFC), David Simpson (GSFC), Leo Singer
(GSFC), Teresa Sheets (GSFC), Alan Smale (GSFC), and Dongguen Tak
(DESY) report on behalf of GCN, TACH, and HEASARC:
The new General Coordinates Network (GCN Circular #32419) is
pleased to announce self-service configuration of GCN Notice
notifications over email. This new feature will greatly simplify
and enhance the user experience for subscribing to GCN Notices.
Using the same accounts on https://gcn.nasa.gov as GCN Classic
Over Kafka, users can now sign up to subscribe to any of the
public GCN Notice types in any of the 3 legacy formats (text,
binary, VOEvent), and edit their settings at will.
To get started, sign in or sign up at https://gcn.nasa.gov, and
then select "Email Notifications" from the account dropdown menu.
Note that signing up for receiving emails via the new GCN does not
edit users' prior subscriptions to GCN Classic. When you would
like to unsubscribe from GCN Classic, please contact us via:
For questions, issues, or bug reports, please contact us via:
HEASARC feedback form -
GitHub issue tracker -