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GCN Circular 32664

GRB 221009A (Swift J1913.1+1946): Burke-Gaffney Observatory optical observations
2022-10-10T16:21:51Z (2 years ago)
Filipp Dmitrievich Romanov at Amateur astronomer <>
I observed the optical afterglow of the extremely bright GRB 221009A =
Swift J1913.1+1946 (Dichiara et al., GCN Circ. 32632) remotely using
0.61-m f/6.5 Corrected Dall-Kirkham telescope of Burke-Gaffney
Observatory (Lane, 2018, RTSRE, 1, 119) on 2022-10-10. Twelve images
with exposures of 300 seconds and I�� filter were obtained, midtime of
the first image is 02:06:45 UTC (11h56m after the trigger), midtime of
the last image is 03:09:02 UTC (12h58m after the trigger).

I clearly detected the afterglow and measured (aperture photometry,
without deblending) following magnitudes of the afterglow from
comparison to transformed (from Lupton 2005 formula) magnitudes of
nearby stars from the Pan-STARRS DR1 catalogue (Chambers et al.,

Time (UTC)//Ic magnitude//Error
02:06:45  15.54  0.12
02:12:20  15.60  0.10
02:17:55  15.54  0.11
02:23:29  15.60  0.11
02:29:04  15.64  0.12
02:34:38  15.59  0.11
02:41:08  15.67  0.11
02:46:43  15.69  0.10
02:52:18  15.69  0.11
02:57:53  15.64  0.12
03:03:27  15.70  0.13
03:09:02  15.92  0.13

Magnitudes were not corrected for Galactic extinction.

FITS files available here: and

Stacked image:

F. D. Romanov (AAVSO member, observer code: RFDA).
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