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GCN Circular 32752

GRB221009A: RTT-150 optical observations
2022-10-14T11:03:17Z (2 years ago)
Rodion Burenin at IKI, Moscow <>
Ilfan Bikmaev (KFU, AST, Kazan), Irek Khamitov (TUG, Antalya, KFU, Kazan),
Eldar Irtuganov (KFU, AST, Kazan), Mark Gorbachev (KFU, AST, Kazan),
Nail Sakhibullin (KFU, AST, Kazan), Rodion Burenin (IKI, Moscow)


We have performed additional optical observations of the OT GRB221009A
(Dichiara et al., GCN 32632, GCNs 32635, 32636,32636, 32641, 32657,
32658, 32660, 32666, 32668, 32670, 32671, 32676, 32677, 32678, 32679,
32680, 32683, 32684, 32685, 32686, 32691, 32692, 32693, 32694, 32695,
32700, 32705, 32707, 32709, 32727, 32729, 32730, 32736, 32738, 32739,
32740, 32743, 32746, 32749, 32750) by using 1.5-meter joint
Russian-Turkish telescope (RTT-150, TUBITAK National Observatory,
Antalya, Turkey) and TFOSC instrument in October 13, 2022. We made
series of images in riz filters with 600 sec exposures each.

We clearly see the OT in all frames. Photometric data were calibrated
using nearby PS1 star. Results of our photometry are given in the

JD                T-T0    Filter  mag   merr
2459866.2034967   99.601  r      20.53  0.09
2459866.2115203   99.793  i      19.51  0.06
2459866.2189183   99.971  z      18.63  0.05
2459866.2263488  100.149  r      20.63  0.09
2459866.2339414  100.332  i      19.41  0.05
2459866.2413937  100.510  z      18.76  0.05
2459866.2488331  100.689  r      20.71  0.15
2459866.2562889  100.868  i      19.52  0.05
2459866.2636921  101.046  z      18.69  0.04
2459866.2711805  101.225  r      20.54  0.10
2459866.2786139  101.404  i      19.44  0.04
2459866.2862528  101.587  z      18.75  0.04
2459866.2937201  101.766  r      20.55  0.12
2459866.3010995  101.943  i      19.45  0.05
2459866.3088004  102.128  z      18.74  0.05
2459866.3162909  102.308  r      20.74  0.16
2459866.3238331  102.489  i      19.43  0.05
2459866.3314625  102.672  z      18.83  0.05
2459866.3389523  102.852  r      20.90  0.23
2459866.3464004  103.031  i      19.48  0.06
2459866.3558217  103.257  z      18.74  0.05
2459866.3633150  103.437  r      20.86  0.27
2459866.3707428  103.615  i      19.50  0.07
2459866.3798291  103.833  z      18.71  0.06

RTT-150 light curves for 4 nights observations are shown in the Figure:

Power law decay indexes based on RTT-150 griz observations, taking in
account our data obtained earlier (Bikmaev et al., GCN 32743) are as

g:   -1.42 +- 0.20
r:   -1.47 +- 0.07
i:   -1.40 +- 0.04
z:   -1.38 +- 0.04

Our measurements of the OT power law decay agree well with that
measured in infrared bands (O'Connor et al., GCN 32750, Brivio et al.,
GCN 32652, Durbak et al. GCN 32654), obtained during nearly the same
periods of OT observations.

The mean value of (r - z) color indicates no any significant changes
in the optical spectrum slope during four nights of our observations.
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