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GCN Circular 32819

GRB 221009A: Analysis of the initial episode using data of GBM/Fermi and SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL
2022-10-22T23:05:12Z (2 years ago)
Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow <>
P. Minaev (IKI), A. Pozanenko (IKI), I. Chelovekov (IKI) report on 
behalf of GRB IKI FuN:

We analyze the first episode of GRB 221009A (Dichiara et al., GCN 32632; 
Kennea and Williams, GCN  32635; Veres et al., GCN 32636; Bissaldi et 
al., GCN  32636; Svinkin et al., GCN 32641; Piano et al., GCN 32657; 
Pillera et al., GCN 32658;  Gotz et al., GCN 32660; Xiao et al., GCN 
32661; Frederiks et al., GCN 32668; GCN 32668; Ripa et al., GCN 32685; 
Kozyrev et al., GCN 32805) not affected by dead time and pile-up 
instrumental effects, using publicly available data of GBM/Fermi and 

We investigate energy spectrum of the time interval (T0-1, T0+55) s, 
where T0 = 13:16:59 UTC 2022-10-09 is a time of  GBM/Fermi trigger.  The 
spectrum can be fitted by a simple power law model with the spectral 
index of gamma = -1.68 +/- 0.01.

See the spectrum in

It is in a contradiction with CPL (power law with exponential cutoff) 
spectral model for the episode, obtained by Lesage et al., GCN 32642 
using GBM/Fermi data (Epeak = 375 +/- 87 keV) and by Frederiks et al., 
GCN 32668 using Konus/WIND data (Epeak = 975 (-332, +712) keV). The 
value of spectral index is not typical for indexes before the break (in 
CPL or Band model), but it is a rather typical for the index after the 
break in Band model. We hypothesize the actual break to be placed at low 
energies (Epeak < 20 keV). The hypothesis could be supported by placing 
Eiso parameter into Amati correlation diagram.   The Eiso = (3.2 +/- 
0.1)E51 erg is calculated  within our power law model with gamma = -1.68 
and using redshift value of z = 0.151 (de Ugarte Postigo et al., GCN 
32648; Castro-Tirado et al., GCN 32686). The Eiso value corresponds to 2 
sigma range of possible Epeak value of (20, 315) keV for type II (long) 
GRBs (Minaev et al., MNRAS, 492, 2, 1919, 2020).

See the correlation diagram in

The softness of the spectrum is also confirmed by our analysis of 
SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL data: assuming high values of Epeak (e.g. Epeak = 975 
keV) and using SPI-ACS - GBM cross-calibration method to convert SPI-ACS 
count fluxes to energy units (Minaev et al., in preparation) we obtain 
underestimated value of fluence F_ACS = (1.3 +/- 0.3)E-5 erg/cm^2  for 
Epeak = 975 keV, which is less than reference value of F_GBM = (2.38 +/- 
0.04)E-5 erg/cm^2 in (10, 1000) keV range, calculated within our power 
law model with gamma = -1.68.
Using data of GBM/Fermi we perform cross-correlation analysis of the 
initial episode and find significant spectral lags, typical for type II 
(long) GRBs (e.g. Minaev et al., Astronomy Letters, 40, 5, 235, 2014). 
Spectral lag ��� energy dependence is fitted satisfactory by logarithmic 
function lag ~ A*log(E) with spectral lag index A = 0.11 +/- 0.03.

The spectral lag and its parameter can be found in
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