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GCN Circular 32832

Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor detections of SGR 1935+2154
2022-10-24T18:13:28Z (2 years ago)
Peter Veres at UAH <>
P. Veres (UAH)
reports on behalf of the Fermi-GBM Team:

"The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) triggers

221015093/687492839 at 02:13:54.55,
on 15 October 2022 and

221017553/687705349 at 13:15:44.21
on 17 October 2022

all tentatively classified as a GRB, are in fact not due to a GRB.

These triggers are due to SGR 1935+2154 which recently underwent a
period of high bursting activity (Mereghetti et al., GCN #32706 and
Roberts et al. GCN #32708)

For Fermi GBM data and information, please visit
the official Fermi GBM Support Page:"
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