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GCN Circular 3298

GRB 050421: BOOTES-2 simultaneous optical observations
2005-04-21T07:57:42Z (20 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at Astro. de Andalucia <>
M. Jelinek, A. J. Castro-Tirado, J. Gorosabel, A. de Ugarte Postigo 
(IAA-CSIC Granada),
P. Kubanek, R. Hudec (Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, 
T. J. Mateo Sanguino (Universidad de Huelva), T. Soria, R. Fern�ndez 
M�laga) and J. Fabregat (Universidad de Valencia)


"The BOOTES-2 very wide field camera, located at the Estaci�n 
Experimental de La Mayora (EELM-CSIC) in M�laga, observed the region of 
the sky containing the SWIFT/BAT error box
for GRB 050421 (Barbier et al. GCN 3296) as part of its routine 
observing schedule. A 30 s
exposure started at 04:12:00 UT (8 s after  the onset of the 10 s long 
burst), with the previous
frame starting at 04:11:00 UT. A limiting (unfiltered) magnitude of 9.0 
is derived for any prompt
optical flash arising from this event."

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