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GCN Circular 33394

GRB 230228A: 6 GHz VLA radio upper limit
2023-03-02T17:55:24Z (2 years ago)
Genevieve Schroeder at Northwestern University <>
G. Schroeder (Northwestern), T. Laskar (Utah), E. Berger (Harvard) report:

"We observed the position of the possibly short GRB 230228A (Dichiara et
al. GCN 33378; Fletcher GCN 33389) with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array
(VLA) under program 23A-296 (PI: Schroeder) beginning on 2023 March 2.02 UT
(1.78 days post-burst) at a mean frequency of 6 GHz.

Based on preliminary analysis, we do not detect any radio emission at or
near the position of the XRT afterglow (Beardmore et al., GCN 33382) to a
3-sigma limit of 12 microJy. Additional followup is planned.

We thank the VLA staff for quickly approving and executing these
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