GCN Circular 335
Optical report on X-ray/GRB transient
1999-05-20T23:14:55Z (26 years ago)
Josh Bloom at CIT <jsb@astro.caltech.edu>
Optical Report: Fast X-ray Transient from BeppoSAX
J. S. Bloom, S. R. Kulkarni, S. G. Djorgovski (Caltech) and D. A. Frail
(NRAO) report on behalf of the larger Caltech-NRAO-CARA GRB collaboration:
"We have examined the Digital Sky Survey at the position of the radio
source reported by Frail et al. (GCN #334) found in the error circle of
SAX J0835.9+5118 (GCN #333