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GCN Circular 3356

GRB050502: P200 Observations (Correction)
2005-05-05T00:39:15Z (20 years ago)
S. Bradley Cenko at Caltech <>
S. Bradley Cenko, Derek B. Fox, and P. Brian Cameron report on behalf of
the Caltech-NRAO-Carnegie GRB Collaboration:

We have imaged the field of GRB050502 (GCN 3323) with the Large Format
Camera (LFC) mounted on the Palomar 5-m Hale Telescope.  Observations
consisted of 2 x 600 s exposures in the Sloan r' filter.  At a mean
epoch of ~ 11:30 3 May UT (33.3 hours after the burst), we find no
emission at the afterglow position reported by Yost et al. (GCN 3322).
OUr 3-sigma limiting magnitude, calculated by comparison with several
Guide Star Catalog sources in the field, is approximately r' > 23.5
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