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GCN Circular 33693

GRB 230427A: AKO Upper Limit
2023-04-27T19:23:20Z (2 years ago)
Mohammad Odeh at Al Khatim Observatory M44 <>
Mohammad Odeh of Al-Khatim Observatory (AKO) operated by the International
Astronomical Center, in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

As a follow-up for the GRB 230427A detected by Swift (GCN 33687), we
observed the field of the GRB with our 0.35m f/7.7 robotic telescope. The
observation was done on 27 April 2023 from 16:06:55 to 16:13:01 (UT), 5.7
hours after the GRB trigger. We obtained multiple 180-sec exposures in Ic
filter. We did not detect any afterglow within XRT localization. This is
consistent with the report of (Takahashi et al., GCN 33690) and (Lipunov et
al., GCN 33692).

The following upper limit was calculated using Atlas catalogue as a


JD (mid), T_mid-T0(hrs), Exposure (sec), Filter, Lim_mag


2460062.174630, 5.7, 3 x 180 (stacked), Ic, > 19.0


These magnitudes are not corrected for galactic extinction.

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