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GCN Circular 3376

GRB 050505: early time observations
2005-05-07T22:28:55Z (20 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at LAEFF-INTA <>
A. de Ugarte Postigo, M. Jelinek, J. Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC Granada),
P. Kubanek, R. Hudec (ASU-CAS Ondrejov), T. J. Mateo Sanguino
(Univ. de Huelva), S. Castillo, S.Guziy and A. J. Castro-Tirado
(IAA-CSIC), report:

"Following the detection by SWIFT/BAT of GRB 050505
(Herkett et al., GCN 3360), the pair of 0.2m BOOTES-1B
telescopes at INTA-CSIC's Observatorio de Arenosillo
responded automatically at 23:32:30 UT (i.e. 70 s after
the alert which was received 9.5 min after the onset of 
the  event).  A co-addition of the first  V- and I-band 
images taken do not reveal the optical afterglow at the
position given by Bradley Cenko et al., (GCN 3366).
On the other hand, the 0.6m telescope (+BOOTES-IR optical 
camera)  at IAA's Observatorio de Sierra Nevada           
responded automatically  at 23:31:57 UT (i.e. 37 s after
the alert received 9.5 min after the onset of the event).
Due to technical problems (the telescope is still in
commissioning phase), the first image was acquired at
00:09 UT (47 min after the GRB). A preliminary analysis
of our R-band observations (total exposure time = 1 hour) 
imposes a limit of R > 19 to the afterglow optical emission
(Bradley Cenko et al., GCN 3366). Further analysis is
in progress."

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