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GCN Circular 33981

LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S230615az: Xinglong-2.16m photometric observations of GIT candidates
2023-06-17T03:35:17Z (2 years ago)
Dong Xu at NAOC/CAS <>
Z.P. Zhu (NAOC, HUST), D. Xu, S.Y. Fu, X. Liu, S.Q. Jiang, T.H. Lu (NAOC) report:

We observed the field of the GW trigger S230615z candidates reported by GIT (Kumar et al., GCN 33974) with the 2.16m telescope located at Xinglong, Hebei, China, equipped with the BFOSC camera. Observations started at 12:47:19 UT on 2023-06-16 (i.e., 0.8 day after the GW trigger time), and 5x300 s frames were obtained in the R-band for either candidate.

No source is detected in our stacked images at either candidate's position (Kumar et al., GCN 33974), down to an upper limit of R~22.1 mag for both, calibrated with the nearby Pan-STARRS field.

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