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GCN Circular 3419

Refined Chandra analysis of GRB 050509b
2005-05-12T22:43:26Z (20 years ago)
David Burrows at PSU/Swift <>
S. Patel, C. Kouveliotou (MSFC), D. N. Burrows, D. Grupe (PSU), N. Gehrels
(GSFC), P. Meszaros (PSU), B. Zhang (UNLV), and R. Wijers (U. Amsterdam)

Further analysis of our 50 ks Chandra observation of GRB 050509b (Burrows 
et al. 2005; GCN 3415) has shown that the XRT error circle is embedded in 
the diffuse X-ray emission from the cluster NSC J123610+285901.  We find 
that the two X-ray sources reported in GCN 3415 are due to fluctuations in 
the counts from the cluster emission and are spurious.  Our refined 
analysis finds no Chandra point sources within the XRT error circle down to 
an estimated 99% unabsorbed flux upper limit of about
1.2 x 10e-15 ergs s^-1 cm^-2  (0.5-10.0 keV; assuming galactic column density
1.52e20 cm^-2 and spectral photon index of -2).
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