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GCN Circular 34457

GRB 230816A: TShAO and Assy optical observations
2023-08-16T20:29:24Z (2 years ago)
Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow <>
legacy email
N. Pankov (HSE, IKI), I. Reva (FAI), V. Kim (FAI), A. Pozanenko (IKI), S. Belkin (IKI) report on behalf of the GRB-IKI-FuN.

We observed the field of the GRB 230816A (Siegel et al., GCN 34450)
with Zeiss-1000 telescope of Tien-Shan Observatory (TShAO) and AZT-20 telescope of Assy Observatory. We clearly detect the afterglow (Jiang et al., GCN 34453; Moskivitin et al., GCN 34456) in the stacked images. 

Preliminary photometry is following

Date       UT start   t-T0    Filter Exp.   OT    Err.  UL(3sigma)
                      (mid, days)    (s)

2023-08-16 16:21:24   0.034787  R    25*180 19.57   0.10  22.3   
2023-08-16 17:26:29   0.072354  r'   53*60  21.10|  0.025 23.5   

The photometry is based on nearby stars of USNO-B1.0 and PanSTARRS-DR1 catalogues.
RA Dec R2 r'
328.5043802 +37.8674441 16.47 16.8245
328.3579777 +37.8706420 17.04 17.1589
328.4483771 +37.8290610 15.45 15.3054

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