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GCN Circular 34749

Correction to Fermi GBM Statement for Trigger 716527670/230916144
2023-09-20T19:18:23Z (a year ago)
Oliver J Roberts at USRA/NASA <>
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We reported previously in GCN 34748 that Fermi-GBM trigger 716527670/230916144 was followed up by GOTO (Vail et al., GCN 34730), where a candidate afterglow (AT 2023sva) was identified and suggested it was the counterpart to the Fermi-GBM trigger.

This statement is incorrect. The afterglow reported in (Vail et al., GCN 34730) was not discovered in follow-up observations, but blindly via a search for fast transients in ZTF optical-survey data and not GOTO. The reported afterglow was checked against the GBM archive for any possible high-energy counterpart, where trigger 716527670/230916144 was inferred as a possible counterpart. 

We apologize for this inaccurate reporting and thank the co-authors of Vail et al. for bringing this to our attention.
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