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GCN Circular 34887

IC231004A: GRANDMA observations of AT2023uqf/ZTF23abidzvf candidate
2023-10-25T21:56:05Z (7 months ago)
Damien Dornic <>
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D. Dornic (CPPM), D. Akl (AUS), S. Antier (OCA), M. Coughlin (UMN), Q. Andre (OCA), J. Peloton,  P. Hello (IJCLAB),  I. Tosta e Melo (UniCT-DFA), D. Turpin (CEA-Saclay/Irfu), T. Pradier(Unistra/IPHC),  S. Karpov (FZU), A. Takey, M. Abdelkareem, M. Molham (NRIAG), R. Inasaridze, R. Natsvlishvili, N. Kochiashvili, S. Beradze, V. Aivazyan (AbAO), O.Burkhonov (UBAI), S.Ehgamberdiev (UBAI, NUUz), Y.Rajabov (UBAI), T.Sadibekova (UBAI-CEA), Y.Tillayev (UBAI, NUUz), Wang (THU/BJP), J. Zhu (BJP), L. Wang, X. Zeng, A. Iskandar (XAO), P.A Duverne (APC), J-G. Ducoin (IAP), M. Freeberg (KNC), J. Mao, K.-X. Lu, J.-M. Bai (YNAO), A. Manasanum (NARIT) on behaf on GRANDMA collaboration

The GRANDMA telescope network observed the source AT2023uqf/ZTF23abidzvf (Reusch et al., GCN 34810, Stein et al, GCN 34837), a possible counterpart to the IceCube neutrino alert IC231004A (Lincetto et al, GCN 34797). We used Skyportal (Coughlin et al., 2023) for coordination of our observations.

Observations were conducted from 2023-10-20 02:20:24 to 2023-10-24 00:29:26, ~15.5-19.4 days after the neutrino time. For the reference time (T0), we chose 2023-10-04T14:39:41.18 (Lincetto et al, GCN 34797).

In the following table, we report a subset of the preliminary photometry of our observations. Magnitudes and upper limits are reported in the AB and Vega system depending on the filter set.

T-T0 day|MJD       |Obser.   |Exposure| Filter| Mag +/- err       |Upp.Lim.
15.5    |60237.097 | KAO     |13X180s |   i   | 20.5+/-0.1  (AB)  |  22.0 (5sig)
15.8    |60237.438 | KNC-T21 |11x300s |   Rc  | 19.5+/-0.15 (Vega)|  20   (5sig)
16.5    |60238.093 | KAO     |16X180s |   r   | 20.7+/-0.15 (AB)  |  22.2 (5sig) 
17.3    |60238.934 | NOWT    |1800s   |   r   | 20.6+/-0.1  (AB)  |  21.8 (5sig)
17.3    |60238.915 | GMG     |1200s   |   Rc  | 20.4+/-0.1 (Vega) |  21.6 (5sig)
17.5    |60239.092 | KAO     |18X180s |   i   | 20.8+/-0.1  (AB)  |  22   (5sig) 
19.4    |60241.020 | AbAO    |110x60s |   Rc  | 20.6+/-0.15 (Vega)|  21   (5sig)

We did not perform any host galaxy subtraction. KAO images were taken under humid conditions, and in general, data were contaminated from moon illumination. All the data in Sloan filters have been calibrated with respect to the PS1 catalog. Johnson filters have been measured using the Gaia catalog. All the data have been reduced by a single data processing pipeline STDPIPE (Karpov et al., 2022).

GRANDMA is a worldwide coordinated telescope network ( devoted to the observation of transients in the context of multi-messenger astrophysics (Antier et al. 2020 MNRAS497, 5518). Kilonova-Catcher (KNC) is the citizen science program of GRANDMA (
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