GCN Circular 349
GRB990527 Optical Observations
1999-05-31T16:21:11Z (26 years ago)
Holger Pedersen at Copenhagen U Obs <holger@astro.ku.dk>
H. Pedersen, J. Hjorth, B. L. Jensen (Copenhagen), M. B. Rasmussen (Aarhus),
A. O. Jaunsen (Oslo), and K. Hurley (UCBerkeley/SSL) report:
"We have observed the field toward the Ulysses + KONUS-WIND + NEAR IPN
localization of GRB 990527 (GCN #347) with the DFOSC at the Danish 1.54-m
telescope on La Silla. The FOV was 13.4' x 13.4' and thus covers most of
the IPN diamond. Five 8 min exposures and one 10 min exposure were obtained
in the R band between 29.33 May and 29.44 May 1999 UT. The seeing FWHM was
2.0". Seven additional 10 min R band exposures were obtained between
30.33 May and 30.45 May 1999 UT, in 1.1" seeing. All images were taken in
strong moon-light. The combined exposure covers 12.5' x 12.5'.
Visual inspection of the images revealed no object inside the IPN diamond
that was not present on the DSS-2 ('Second Epoch Southern' survey, UK Schmidt,
IIIaF + RG610 red plate) and brighter than the DSS-2 magnitude limit.
Comparison between the images obtained on 29.4 May and 30.4 May revealed no
significantly variable object above a magnitude limit of R = 22.0.
For finding charts, see http://www.astro.ku.dk/~holger/g/GRB990527/news.html .
This page also gives details on two stars, which stand out in comparison to
the DSS; both are off the error box, and non-variable during the CCD