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GCN Circular 3514

GRB 050603: Swift XRT Position
2005-06-03T20:10:04Z (20 years ago)
Judith Racusin at PSU <>
J. L. Racusin, D. N. Burrows, J. A. Kennea, A. Retter (PSU), C. Pagani 
(INAF-OAB), A. Wells (U. Leicester), N. Gehrels (NASA/GSFC) report on 
behalf of the Swift XRT team:

The Swift BAT detected GRB 050603 at 06:29:05.2 UT on June 3rd 2005 (GCN 
3509, Retter et al.).  The Swift observatory did not slew promptly because 
automated slewing was not enabled due to engineering tests.  The XRT began 
taking data at 17:19:27 UT, approximately 11 hours after the trigger.  In 
a preliminary data analysis we detect an uncataloged X-ray source located 

RA(J2000) = 2:39:56.6,
Dec(J2000) = -25:10:52.5

We estimate an uncertainty of 8 arcseconds radius (90% containment). 
This position is 51 arcseconds from the BAT refined position reported by 
Fenimore et al. (GCN 3512), 5.6 arseconds from the optical afterglow 
candidate reported by Berger et al. (GCN 3511), and 4.5 arcseconds from 
the radio afterglow candidate reported by Cameron et al. (GCN 3513). 
Observations are still underway and further ground analysis will be 
performed to determine if this X-ray source is fading.
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