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GCN Circular 3522

GRB 050603: prediction of t_break
2005-06-06T12:07:23Z (20 years ago)
Gabriele Ghisellini at Obs.Astro. di Brera <>
G. Ghirlanda, G. Ghisellini, C. Firmani, F. Tavecchio 
(Oss. Astron. di Brera) report:

GRB 050603, with a redshift of 2.821 (Berger and Becker, GCN 3520), 
fluence and spectral parameters as measured by Konus-Wind 
(Golenetskii et al., GCN 3518), requires an achromatic break 
at t = 7 +/- 3 days (after trigger) to be consistent with the 
"Ghirlanda" relation between the collimation corrected
energy and Epeak. A plot can be seen at: .
We urge observations in order to verify this prediction.

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